Ramsa-5 & Upcycling: Photo frames and mirrors made from recycled metal barrels!
Ramsa-5 was created in 1999 by Arnaud Sarasin, a young Frenchman living in Morocco. He speaks the language and feels concerned by the problem of waste in general, and pollutants in particular. His meeting with Naïm, founder of "North African Fair Trade Foundation will be decisive.
In partnership with this organization, Arnaud Sarasin will open a workshop, which transforms and thus recycles used metal barrels and cans, collected in the nearby environment.
The village lends the premises, and in exchange, Ramsa-5 makes local craftsmen work, thus perpetuating or developing local employment. The objects we produce, such as frames and mirrors, are astonishing: a raw, contemporary, almost industrial design, but which nevertheless adapts to all environments, as it leaves the door open to creativity.
We met Arnaud at the Maison & Objet show in Paris in September 2014. His kindness and his simple, human approach to business relationships won us over.
Materials that pollute the environment transformed into beautiful and original objects, creating jobs: Beautiful and Good, a common credo to all our selections!